Strengthening Transatlantic ties – A legacy of friendship and cooperation


In today’s world, international connections matter more than ever. The partnership between Finland and the United States has never been just about governments—it thrives through people, cultural exchange, education, and shared experiences.

This was true in 1943, when Suomi-Amerikka Yhdistys (SAM) was founded. At a time when Finland and the U.S. faced diplomatic challenges, citizens took action to preserve and strengthen the bond between our nations. Today, as the world changes and transatlantic relations are tested once again, citizen-driven initiatives remain essential in fostering dialogue, understanding, and collaboration.

Why Now?

Finland’s success in a globalized world depends on how well we understand and engage with our international partners. The U.S. plays a significant role in shaping the global landscape, and strengthening these ties is key to peace, stability, and innovation. Now is the time to build bridges, not walls—and every action, big or small, contributes to this shared future.


How can you join?

  • Fill out an online membership application here
  • Find here if there is a local chapter in your location.
  • Sign up as a volunteer here.
  • Call any of us, and let´s talk!
  • Check out our event calendar and join any of the events!


SAM brings together friends of the United States and acts as a bridge between Finland and the United States. SAM’s activities enrich the lives of those involved. SAM creates meaningful encounters and builds value-added networks between people in Finland and the United States.


SAM is a vibrant organization that its members value and want to be involved in.

SAM in 2026 – Main goals

1) To create a versatile organizational structure that allows different interest groups to participate in SAM activities

2) To make SAM:s services known by offering high level content via digital media and partnerships

3) SAM offers summer jobs for Finnish students in the United States

4) Continuing to offer virtual training and meeting space for its member organizations


SAM is based on the following values:

We cherish friendship across borders

Our friendship is reciprocal, respectful and trusworthy partnership. SAM is the number one player in the U.S. – Finland friendships scene. Friendship means enabling encounters, being open-minded, fostering community and building lasting partnerships.

We build valuable networks

Creating networking opportunities and building networks is at the heart of everything SAM does. It is enabling people to meet and building valuable networksand to promotee friendship between peoples.

Accessible expertise

SAM serves as a platform for experts in Finland-U.S. relations and it also has room for experiential expertise and fan culture. Whether your interest is in science, art, business, tourism, social responsibility, food culture or any social issue of interest, SAM brings together US experts in Finland. SAM’s network of experts is accessible to all and is widely known.